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ERASMUS - Teaching critical thinking in science through nanolearning and virtual exchange principles


Teaching critical thinking in science through nanolearning and principles of virtual exchange (NANO-THINK) project is a comprehensive initiative that aims to create and design a specialized program that encourages the development of critical thinking in science. Although critical thinking is in the very essence of the scientific method and higher education, as well as for business relations and science, in recent decades the challenges of specialization within disciplines and professions, as well as the fragmentation of the teaching process, necessarily indicate the need for new solutions in the education of thinking and the return of man as a thinker in the center of the teaching process. The program that will be developed within the NANO-THINK project was designed precisely with this purpose and as support for these efforts in the wider region.

In the development of the program, the principles of virtual learning and so-called focused nano-tools will be used in order to provide today's students with an effective and attractive learning experience.

The program will be developed with the long-term goal of achieving appropriate ECTS accreditation in accordance with the rigorous quality standards of the European system of credit transfer and accumulation.

During the duration of the project, the NANO-THINK team will closely cooperate with the institutions that participate in the development and improvement of the program and the selection of the best experts from partner institutions capable of achieving the desired results, ensuring compliance with their academic standards and meeting the needs of students.

The project will last three years, and the total value is 371,863 euros.

Team member:


Emina Mrđanović, Senior Expert Associate

Project Team Lead

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Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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