On Friday, November 4th we had a visit from mr Ivana Vojinović, director of the Center for Climate Change, Natural Resources and Energy of the University of Donja Gorica, and mr Milica Daković, director of E3 Consulting.
In January 2013, the Government of Montenegro appointed mr Vojinović as the head of the Working Group for the preparation and management of negotiations between Montenegro and the European Union for Chapter 27 - Environment and Climate Change. Ivana introduced the Verlab Institute employees to Chapter 27 and clarified all ambiguities regarding it. Also, a lecture was held on the topic of the green agenda for the Western Balkans - the obligations of the countries of the Western Balkans in terms of monitoring and types of measures to improve: air quality, water, waste management and implementation mechanisms.
E3 Consulting was founded in 2008 in Montenegro and it is a business consulting company that deals with business consulting, provision, technical assistance and analysis in the fields of energy, environmental protection, economic research and engineering. Director Milica presented the project: "Converting landfill gas into energy" and thus gave us suggestions on how we can apply the same and similar activities in our country.
On this occasion, we would like to thank them for the selflessly shared knowledge and experience, and we look forward to our future cooperation.
U petak, 04.11.2022. su nas posjetile mr Ivana Vojinović, direktorica Centra za klimatske promjene, prirodne resurse i energiju Univerziteta Donja Gorica i mr Milica Daković, direktorica E3 Consulting.
Vlada Crne Gore imenovala je mr Vojinović u januaru 2013. godine za šeficu Radne grupe za pripremu i vođenje pregovora između Crne Gore i Evropske unije za Poglavlje 27-Životna sredina i klimatske promjene. Ivana je uposlenike Verlab instituta upoznala sa Poglavljem 27 i razjasnila sve nejasnoće u vezi istog. Također, održano je predavanje na temu zelene agende za zapadni Balkan – obaveze zemalja zapadnog Balkana u pogledu monitoringa i vrsta mjera za poboljšanje: kvaliteta zraka, vode, upravljanja otpadom i mehanizama implementacije.
E3 Consulting je osnovan 2008. godine u Crnoj Gori i predstavlja kompaniju za biznis konsalting, koja se bavi aktivnostima poslovnog savjetovanja, pružanja, tehničke pomoći i analiza u oblastima energetike, zaštite životne sredine, ekonomskih istraživanja i inženjeringa. Direktorica Milica je prezentovala projekat: „Pretvaranje deponijskog gasa u energiju“ i time nam dala sugestije na koji način iste i slične aktivnosti možemo primjeniti u našoj državi.
Ovom prilikom se zahvaljujemo na nesebično podijeljenim znanjima i iskustvima, te se radujemo budućim saradnjama.