Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo



Today, a one-day conference titled "Raising awareness of the importance of digital transformation of public administration" was held in the City Hall, organized by the City of Sarajevo in cooperation with the Verlab Scientific Research Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices and Artificial Intelligence.

The modernization of public administration is emphasized through the digital agenda for the Western Balkans, which, among other things, defines the advantages of digital transformation, such as faster economic growth, more jobs and better services. The regional exchange of knowledge and ideas, but also the regional connection and enabling of electronic services within the region, is of inestimable importance for the further development of every economy, but also of the region as a whole. The goal of the conference was the exchange of regional experiences with regard to the digital transformation of public administration and society in general.

Deputy Mayor Mr. Haris Bašić addressed those present on behalf of the City of Sarajevo, and emphasized the dedication of the city administration in the digitization of internal and external processes.

The director of the team for public administration reform and eGovernment in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia gave an invited lecture on the topic of digitalization of public administration, Mrs. Marta Arsovska Tomovska.  Digitization, as one of the priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, transformed the way public administration works and increased its economy, transparency and quality of work. In her address, she emphasized the need for a strategic commitment, a digital leader, and significant financial resources for the digital transformation of public administration. However, although the investment at the beginning is significant, the profitability is multiple.

At the conference, the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, prof. Dr. Aleksandra Nikolić, who emphasized in her address that it is the last moment to return to the position of thinking about the future, emphasizing the importance of scientific research as a catalyst for social progress.

Prof. dr. Sanja Damjanović. This scientist has been working for more than twenty years in renowned international research institutes, such as CERN in Switzerland and GSI in Germany, and in the period from 2016 to 2020 she held the position of Minister of Science in the Government of Montenegro.

In her talk, dr. Damjanović pointed out that a new scientific and research infrastructure in the form of state-of-the-art high-performance computer systems, expert systems based on artificial intelligence algorithms available to public administration, the academic community, scientific research institutions, science and technology parks and the economy is necessary for the revitalization of the concept innovation and implementation of solutions. The establishment of scientific research institutes, such as the Verlab Institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is recognized as a good practice in other countries.

Dr. Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić, director of the Scientific Research Institute Verlab, in her talk at the conference, concluded that the digital transformation of society as a whole requires a strategic commitment, but also significant support in the development of a competitive scientific research and innovation ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina that will ensure international recognition and as such support the process of digital transformation in our country.

Danas je u Vijećnici održana jednodnevna konferenciju pod nazivom „Podizanje svijesti o važnosti digitalne transformacije javne uprave“, koju je organizovao Grad Sarajevo u suradnji sa Naučnoistraživačkim institutom Verlab za biomedicinski inžinjering, medicinske uređaje i vješačku inteligenciju. 

Modernizacija javne uprave naglašena je kroz digitalnu agenda za Zapadni Balkan koja između ostalog definira i prednosti digitalne transformacije, kao što su brži ekonomski rast, više radnih mjesta i bolje usluge. Regionalna razmjena znanja i ideja, ali i regionalno povezivanje i omogućavanje elektronskih usluga unutar regiona, od neprocjenjivog je značaja za dalji razvoj svake ekonomije, ali i regiona u cjelini.Cilj konferencije bila je razmjena regionalnih iskustava u pogledu digitalne transformacije javne uprave, ali i društva u cjelini. 

Na konferenciji su se prisutnima obratili ministrica za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade Kantona Sarajevo, prof. dr. Aleksandra Nikolić, koja je u svom obraćanju naglasila da je krajnji trenutak da se vratimo u poziciju promišljanja o budućnosti naglašavajući značaj naučno-istraživačke djelatnosti kao katalizatora društvenog napretka. 

Prisutnima se u ime Grada Sarajeva obratio do-gradonačelnik gosp. Haris Bašić koji je istakao posvećenost gradske uprave u digitalizaciji internih i eksternih procesa. 

Pozvano predavanja na temu digitalizacije javne uprave održala je direktorica tima za reformu javne uprave i eUpravu u Uredu premijerke Republike Srbije. gđa. Marta Arsovska Tomovska. Digitalizacijom, kao jednim od prioriteta Vlade Republike Srbije, transformisan je način rada javne uprave i povećana je njena ekonomičnost, transparentnost i kvalitet rada. U svom obraćanju istakala je za digitalnu transformaciju javne uprave neophodno strateško opredjeljenje, digitalni lider, te značajna finansijska sredstva. No, iako je ulaganje na početku značajno, isplativnost je višestruka.  

O istraživanju i inovacijama kao glavnim pokretačima promjena, EU inicijativama , kao i prilikama koje se pružaju zemljama Zapadnog Balkana, govorila je prof.dr. Sanja Damjanović. Ova naučnica više od dvadeset godina radi u renomiranim međunarodnim istraživačkim institutima, kao što su CERN Švircarska i GSI Njemačka, a koja je u periodu od 2016. do 2020. obnašala funkciju ministrice nauke u Vladi Crne Gore. 

U svom obraćaju dr. Damjanović je istakla da nova naučna-istraživačka infrastruktura u vidu najsavremenijih računarskih sistema visokih performansi, ekspertskih sistema zasnovanih na algoritmima vještačke inteligencije dostupnih javnoj upravi, akademskoj zajednici, naučnoistraživačkim institucijama, naučno-tehnološkim parkovima i privredi neophodna je za revitalizaciju koncepta inovacija i implementacije rješenja. Osnivanje naučno-istraživačkih instituta, poput Instituta Verlab u Bosni i Hercegovini, prepoznat je kao dobra praksa u drugim državama.

Dr. Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić, direktorica Naučnoistraživačkog instituta Verlab u svom obraćanju na konferenciji zaključila je da je za digitalnu transformaciju društva u cjelini potrebno strateško opredjeljenje, ali i značajnija podrška u razvoju kompetitivnog naučno-istraživačkog i inovatorskog ekosistema u Bosni i Hercegovini koji će osigurati međunarodnu prepoznatljivost, te kao takav poduprijeti proces digitalne transformacije u našoj državi. 







Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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