Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance and need for medical technology. Proper maintenance of medical technology is a real challenge in the healthcare sector today. These challenges, as well as other issues related to medical technology, are dealt with by clinical engineers today.

Clinical engineering is a multidisciplinary field that involves the application of engineering knowledge to solve issues in the health sector.

The Global Clinical Engineering Alliance (GCEA) is an international organization that brings together experts from around the world, with the common goal of empowering and recognizing clinical engineering as a profession and its unique contribution to improving healthcare outcomes.

Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence has been part of the GCEA organization since this year. This partnership is a significant step forward for the recognition of the profession of clinical engineer in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the coming period, experts from the GCEA organization will be available through the Verlab Academy module, offering medical and non-medical personnel specialized trainings aimed at improving the knowledge, use and management of medical technology in healthcare institutions.

 Pandemija COVID-19 pokazala je značaj i potrebu za medicinskom tehnologijom. Pravilno održavanje medicinske tehnologije danas predstavlja pravi izazov u zdravstvenom sektoru. Ovim izazovima, ali i drugim pitanjima u vezi s medicinskom tehnologijom danas se bave klinički inžinjeri.

Klinički inžinjering je multidisciplinarna oblast koja podrazumijeva primjenu inžinjerskih znanja za rješavanje pitanja u zdravstvenom sektoru.

Globalna alijansa za klinički inžinjering (GCEA) je međunarodna organizacija koja okuplja stručnjake iz cijelog svijeta, sa zajedničkim ciljem osnaživanja i prepoznavanja kliničkog inžinjeringa kao profesije i njenog jedinstvenog doprinosa u poboljšanju ishoda zdravstvene zaštite.

Naučnoistraživački institut Verlab za biomedicinski inžinjering, medicinske uređaje i vještačku inteligenciju od ove godine dio je GCEA organizacije. Ovo partnerstvo značajan je korak naprijed za prepoznavanje profesije klinickog inžinjera u Bosni i Hercegovini. Stručnjaci GCEA organizacije će u narednom periodu kroz modul Verlab akademije biti na raspolaganju nudeći medicinskom i nemedicinskom osoblju, putem specijaliziranih obuka koje imaju za cilj unapređenje poznavanja, korištenja i upravljanja medicinskom tehnologijom u zdravstvenim ustanovama.



Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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