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Verlab#Blog: Azra Ademović

Performance testing is a valuable tool for improving sports performance, identifying future talents, and reducing injuries.  Not only do performance tests allow you to motivate your current athletes and make them better performers on the field, they also help you develop your program. You can take the test results from each season and compare them to the past to see where your program is headed. If you see major changes in the results of your program at certain points in the year, you should seek out the cause. For instance, if your athletes performed worse this year than they ever have in the past, you or their specific coach may be pushing them hard in practice. This is resulting in overtraining, and changes must be made to improve their performance on and off the field.

And although these physical measurements can be a good indicator of your general health, knowing what’s going on inside your body can help you to improve personal bests and reach optimal performance . Genetic testing is another area of research that is being explored to improve sports performance and reduce injury risk. With advances in biological and medical research, genetic testing can help identify genetic markers associated with athlete endurance and strength, and provide valuable information on an athlete's overall injury risk. In the case of professional and elite sport, it is more than usual to use an athletic genetic testing to find out the natural predispositions of each athlete. In this way, they can orientate their training towards maximum efficiency. Your DNA test cannot directly protect an athlete from injury, but your genetic predispositions can help paint a picture of your overall injury risk and provide coaches with information on specific vulnerabilities to keep an eye on. For instance, stress fracture risk an example identified in the Endurance DNA product. By combining physical measurements with genetic testing, coaches can gain a more comprehensive understanding of an athlete's overall health and make more informed decisions about training and injury prevention.  In addition to genetic testing, wearable technology is another tool that is becoming increasingly popular in sports performance testing. Athletes can wear sensors that track things like heart rate, movement, and other biometric data to help coaches and trainers monitor their performance and make adjustments to their training programs.

It's important to note that while genetics and other biological factors can play a significant role in an athlete's performance, there are many other factors that can also affect their success. Things like training intensity, nutrition, mental attitude, and injury prevention strategies are all important considerations that can make a big difference in an athlete's performance.

That is why Verlab Institute has developed Combined Testing Model which is combination of performance tests, genetic test and mental attitude tests that helps athletes maximize their potential and perform at their best. Results that we get from this kind of testing are : Analysis of the current psychophysical state,  Injury prevention, Talent identification, Individual approach to the training program.

By evaluating an athlete's abilities and identifying areas for improvement, coaches can tailor training programs to meet individual needs and help athletes achieve their maximum potential which is the ultimate goal for an athlete.


Testiranje performansi je vrijedan alat za poboljšanje sportskih performansi, identifikaciju budućih talenata i prevenciju povreda. Ova testiranja ne samo da vam omogućavaju da motivišete vaše trenutne sportiste i poboljšate njihove performanse na terenu, već vam također pomažu da razvijete svoj trenažni program. Možete uzeti rezultate testova svake sezone i uporediti ih s prošlim kako biste vidjeli kako vaš program napreduje. Ako primijetite velike promjene u rezultatima svog programa u određenim dijelovima godine, trebali biste tražiti uzrok. Na primjer, ako su vaši sportisti ove godine lošije izveli testove nego ikad prije, vi ili njihov kondicioni trener možda ih previše gurate u praksi. To dovodi do prenaprezanja i promjene se moraju napraviti kako bi se poboljšale njihove performanse na terenu i van njega.

I iako ove fizičke mjere mogu biti dobar pokazatelj vašeg općeg zdravlja, poznavanje onoga što se događa unutar vašeg tijela može vam pomoći da poboljšate personalne rekorde i postignete optimalne performanse. Genetsko testiranje je još jedno područje istraživanja koje se istražuje kako bi se poboljšale sportske performanse i smanjio rizik od povreda. Napredak bioloških i medicinskih istraživanja omogućio je da genetsko testiranje pomogne u identificiranju genetskih markera povezanih s izdržljivošću i snagom sportaša te pruži vrijedne informacije o ukupnom riziku od povreda sportaša. U slučaju profesionalnog i elitnog sporta, uobičajeno je koristiti genetsko testiranje sportaša kako bi se otkrila njihova prirodna sklonost. Na taj način mogu usmjeriti svoj trening prema maksimalnoj efikasnosti. Vaš test DNK ne može direktno zaštititi sportaša od povrede, ali vaše genetske predispozicije mogu pomoći u stvaranju slike vašeg ukupnog rizika od povrede i pružiti trenerima informacije o specifičnim nedostacima. Na primjer, rizik od stres frakture je jedan od primjera identificiranih u proizvodu Endurance DNA. Spajanjem fizičkih testova s genetskim testiranjem, treneri mogu dobiti sveobuhvatnije razumijevanje zdravlja sportaša i donositi bolje odluke o treninzima i prevenciji ozljeda. Osim genetskog testiranja, nosivi biosenzori su još jedan alat koji postaje sve popularniji u testiranju sportskih performansi. Sportaši mogu nositi senzore koji prate stvari poput otkucaja srca, kretanja i drugih biometrijskih podataka kako bi pomogli trenerima i trenerima u praćenju njihovih performansi i prilagodbi njihovih programa treninga.

Važno je napomenuti da iako genetika i drugi biološki faktori mogu imati značajnu ulogu u performansama sportaša, postoje mnogi drugi faktori koji također mogu utjecati na njihov uspjeh. Stvari poput intenziteta treninga, prehrane, mentalnog stava i strategija prevencije ozljeda sve su važni faktori koji mogu napraviti veliku razliku u performansama sportaša.

Zato je Institut Verlab razvio Kombinirani model testiranja koji je kombinacija testova performansi, genetskih testova i mentalnih testova koji pomažu sportašima maksimalno iskoristiti svoj potencijal i postići najbolje rezultate. Rezultati koje dobivamo iz ovakvog testiranja su: Analiza trenutnog psiho-fizičkog stanja, Prevencija ozljeda, Identifikacija talenata, Individualni pristup programu treninga.

Procjenom sposobnosti sportaša i identificiranjem područja za poboljšanje, treneri mogu prilagoditi programe treninga kako bi zadovoljili individualne potrebe i pomogli sportašima da postignu svoj maksimalni potencijal, što je krajnji cilj svakog sportaša.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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