Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


We celebrate the month of May as the Month of Sports, as May 10th is International Day of Physical Activity and May 25th is International Sports Day. Verlab Research Institute is continuously working on raising awareness about the importance of diagnostics and monitoring of parameters for every athlete, in order to prevent injuries and achieve maximum results. Through our platform, Verlab Sports, we have developed a Combined Testing Model that includes a standard battery of motor tests, as well as ergospirometry, isokinetics, genetic testing, and testing of mental abilities.

The emphasis in the combined testing model is on an individual approach, which is undoubtedly the future of sports. Each athlete is an individual with their own needs, capabilities, shortcomings, and requires a training program created exclusively based on these parameters.

In collaboration with the Public Institution Institute of Medicine of Sarajevo Canton and Dr. Zana Tafi, whom we would like to thank for their kind cooperation, we conducted a maximum load test (ergospirometry) with some of our top athletes: Iron Puki (boxing), Belmin Godinjak (triathlon), Emir Hastor (marathon), and Una Rankić (football). Ergospirometry (CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing) is an essential diagnostic test for every athlete, as well as for recreational athletes (children and adults), in which we monitor the following during physical exertion:

  • Heart function
  • Lung function
  • Metabolic changes in the body

The health of athletes and injury prevention must be a priority and something we should all strive for. You can learn more about the role of science in protecting athletes' health by visiting the following link.

Mjesec maj obilježavamo kao mjesec sporta, s obzirom da je 10.05. - Međunarodni dan fizičke aktivnosti, a 25.05. - Međunarodni dan sporta. Naučnoistraživački institut Verlab kontinuirano radi na podizanju svijesti o značaju dijagnostike i praćenja parametara svakog sportiste kako bismo bili u mogućnosti prevenirati povrede, ali i ostvariti maksimalan rezultat. Putem svoje platforme Verlab Sports razvili smo Kombinovani model testiranja koji pored standardne baterije motoričkih testova podrazumijeva i ergospirometriju, izokinetiku, genetička testiranja i testiranje mentalnih sposobnosti.

Akcenat kod kombinovanog modela testiranja je na individualnom pristupu koji je bez sumnje budućnost sporta. Svaki sportista je individua koja ima svoje potrebe, svoje mogućnosti, nedostatke i zahtijeva trenažni program kreiran isključivo prema tim parametrima.

U saradnji sa J.U. Zavod za medicinu Kantona Sarajevo i dr. Zanom Tafi, kojima se ovim putem zahvaljujemo na srdačnoj saradnji smo uradili test maksimalnog opterećenja (ergospirometrija) sa nekim od naših najboljih sportista: Iron Puki (boks), Belmin Godinjak (triatlon), Emir Hastor (maraton) i Una Rankić (nogomet). Ergospirometrija (CPET - cardiopulmonary exercise testing) neizostavan je dijagnostički test svakog sportaša, ali i rekreativaca (djece i odraslih) kojima u fizičkom opterećenju pratimo:

  • Funkciju srca
  • Funkciju pluća
  • Metaboličke promjene organizma

Zdravlje sportiste i prevencija povreda mora biti prioritet i nešto čemu svi treba da težimo, a više o ulozi nauke u zaštiti zdravlja sportiste možete pročitati na linku


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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