Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


The world's largest innovation festival, Maker Faire, took place on June 3rd and 4th at the Youth Center and Skenderija Square in Sarajevo! By celebrating science, creativity, and innovation, this event provided a platform for all creators to showcase their hobbies, experiments, and/or projects.

Initially introduced in 2022, Maker Faire Sarajevo attracted a large number of participants, and this year's event, judging by the number of attendees, was more significant than the previous one, with the participation of over a hundred exhibitors, including technology enthusiasts, pioneers, innovators, startups, and innovative companies. Among the exhibitors was the Verlab Institute, which provided its knowledge to visitors, raising awareness about the impact of science in society. Alongside presenting their exhibition, through discussions and sharing their expertise, the transformative power of scientific research was highlighted, emphasizing the potential for positive changes in the field of technology.

Najveći svjetski festival inovacija, Maker Faire, održao se 3. i 4. juna u Domu mladih i na platou Skenderija u Sarajevu!
Proslavom nauke, kreativnosti i inovacija ovaj je događaj pružio platformu za sve kreatore da pokažu svoje hobije, eksperimente i/ili projekte.

Prvobitno predstavljen 2022. godine, Maker Faire Sarajevo je privukao veliki broj sudionika, a ovogodišnji je događaj, sudeći po broju učesnika, značajniji od prethodnog, sa sudjelovanjem preko stotinu izlagača, uključujući tehnološke entuzijaste, pionire, inovatore, startupove i inovativne kompanije. Među izlagačima bio je i Institut Verlab, koji je pružio svoje znanje posjetiteljima, podižući svijest o utjecaju nauke u društvu. Uz predstavljanje svoje postavke, razgovorom i dijeljenjem svoje stručnosti istaknuta je transformacijska snaga naučnog istraživanja i ukazan na potencijal za pozitivne promjene koji leži u području tehnologije.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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