Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Participating in this year's Sarajevo Unlimited forum, experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina asked key questions about the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation in the country. The forum was an exceptional opportunity to connect with leading experts, innovators and entrepreneurs, providing inspiration for shaping a brighter future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On the panel "AI R-EVOLUTION: THE ERA OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE," Dr. Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić gave her overview of the application of artificial intelligence in the country. She focused on current opportunities and challenges and highlighted the importance of developing capabilities in the field of AI.

Emina Mrđanović, senior associate, presented the Center for Digital Transformation (CDT) of the Verlab Institute at the panel "BUYING SMART: BUILDING A DIGITAL MARKETPLACE." CDT Verlab Institute stands out as a key initiative for encouraging innovation in small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Emina emphasized the vision of the Center as a catalyst for encouraging innovation, improving digital markets and supporting the integration of technology into business activities.

One of the key questions being asked is how Bosnia and Herzegovina can use the potential of artificial intelligence and overcome challenges. Despite the presence of experts and talented people, the country faces challenges in digitization, transformation and information technologies. The paradigm of society needs to change, seeing itself as a country of potential, not cheap labor.

To achieve this change, it is crucial to invest in information technology, automated manufacturing and artificial intelligence. Bosnia and Herzegovina should recognize these technologies as prerequisites for achieving productivity in the global market, instead of competing with low wages. Only through a determined commitment to these areas can a dynamic and sustainable digital transformation be achieved, laying the foundations for a brighter future for the country.

Učestvujući na ovogodišnjem Sarajevo Unlimited forumu, stručnjaci iz Bosne i Hercegovine su postavili ključna pitanja o primjeni vještačke inteligencije (AI) i digitalnoj transformaciji u zemlji. Forum je bio izuzetna prilika za povezivanje s vodećim stručnjacima, inovatorima i poduzetnicima, pružajući inspiraciju za oblikovanje svjetlije budućnosti za Bosnu i Hercegovinu.

Na panelu "AI R-EVOLUCIJA: ERA POSLOVNE INTELIGENCIJE," Dr. Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić pružila je svoj osvrt na primjenu vještačke inteligencije u zemlji. Fokusirala se na trenutne mogućnosti i izazove te istaknula važnost razvoja sposobnosti u području AI. 

Emina Mrđanović, viša stručna saradnica, predstavila je Centar za digitalnu transformaciju (CDT) Verlab Instituta na panelu "BUYING SMART: BUILDING A DIGITAL MARKETPLACE." CDT Verlab Instituta ističe se kao ključna inicijativa za poticanje inovacija u malim i srednjim preduzećima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Emina je naglasila viziju Centra kao katalizatora za poticanje inovacija, unapređenje digitalnih tržišta te podršku integraciji tehnologije u poslovne aktivnosti.

Jedno od ključnih pitanja koja se postavljaju jest kako Bosna i Hercegovina može iskoristiti potencijal vještačke inteligencije i prevazići izazove. Unatoč prisutnim stručnjacima i talentiranim ljudima, zemlja se suočava s izazovima u digitalizaciji, transformaciji i informacionim tehnologijama. Paradigma društva treba se promijeniti, gledajući sebe kao zemlju potencijala, a ne jeftine radne snage.

Da bismo ostvarili ovu promjenu, ključno je ulagati u informacione tehnologije, automatiziranu proizvodnju i vještačku inteligenciju. Bosna i Hercegovina treba prepoznati ove tehnologije kao preduslove za postizanje produktivnosti na globalnom tržištu, umjesto da se takmiči niskim platama. Samo kroz odlučnu posvećenost ovim područjima može se postići dinamična i održiva digitalna transformacija, postavljajući temelje za svjetliju budućnost zemlje.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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