Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Last week, Verlab Institute was delighted to host 40 talented students and their dedicated teachers from "JU Gimnazije Bihać"! This study visit was an opportunity to open the door to our world of innovation, technology and research, providing students with a unique opportunity to learn about the latest technological trends.

During the visit, we focused on providing insight into the field of artificial intelligence, automation and the latest technological developments. Students had the opportunity to actively participate in lectures, ask questions and explore fascinating aspects of technological sciences.

The Verlab Institute particularly emphasized the importance of stimulating students' curiosity towards technological sciences. We teach them how to recognize innovations, understand their impact on everyday life, and encourage their desire to explore and discover new horizons in the world of technology.

"During the visit, we wanted to share our passion for innovation and show how technology can shape the future. This was an opportunity to create a bridge between theory and practice and to encourage young minds to think outside the boundaries", said Emina Mrđanović, senior associate at the Verlab Institute.

Study visits like this play a key role in strengthening links between educational institutions and industry. This collaboration provides students with real-world experience working with the latest technology and inspires them for possible careers in innovation and research.

The Verlab Institute expresses its gratitude to "JU Gimnazija Bihać" for the visit and hopes that we were able to provide inspiration to young minds and encourage their love for technology and innovation. Students had the opportunity to experience the dynamic world of the Verlab Institute, where knowledge turns into action and technology shapes the future.

Prošle sedmice, Verlab Institut je s oduševljenjem ugostio 40 talentiranih učenika i njihove predane nastavnike iz "JU Gimnazije Bihać"! Ova studijska posjeta predstavljala je priliku za otvaranje vrata našeg svijeta inovacija, tehnologije i istraživanja, pružajući učenicima jedinstvenu priliku za upoznavanje s najnovijim tehnološkim trendovima.

Tokom posjete, fokusirali smo se na pružanje uvida u područje umjetne inteligencije, automatizacije i najnovijih tehnoloških dostignuća. Učenici su imali priliku aktivno sudjelovati u predavanjima, postavljati pitanja i istraživati fascinantne aspekte tehnoloških znanosti.

Verlab Institut je posebno naglasio važnost poticanja radoznalosti učenika prema tehnološkim naukama. Učimo ih kako prepoznati inovacije, razumjeti njihov utjecaj na svakodnevni život te potaknuti njihovu želju za istraživanjem i otkrivanjem novih horizonta u svijetu tehnologije.

„Tokom posjete, željeli smo podijeliti našu strast prema inovacijama i pokazati kako tehnologija može oblikovati budućnost. Ovo je bila prilika za stvaranje mosta između teorije i prakse te poticanje mladih uma na razmišljanje izvan granica“, izjavila je Emina Mrđanović, viša stručna saradnica Verlab Instituta.

Studijske posjete poput ove imaju ključnu ulogu u jačanju veza između obrazovnih institucija i industrije. Ova suradnja omogućava učenicima stvarno iskustvo u radu s najnovijom tehnologijom i inspirira ih za moguće karijere u području inovacija i istraživanja.

Verlab Institut izražava zahvalnost “JU Gimnaziji Bihać” na posjeti i nada se da smo uspjeli pružiti inspiraciju mladim umovima te potaknuti njihovu ljubav prema tehnologiji i inovacijama. Učenici su imali priliku doživjeti dinamičan svijet Verlab Instituta, gdje se znanje pretvara u akciju, a tehnologija oblikuje budućnost.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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