Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


The Center for Digital Transformation of the Verlab Institute participated in the recent AI:CONNECT conference at the University of Kragujevac.

In the pleasant environment of the conference, we focused on researching the potential of artificial intelligence in the domain of economic growth in the Republic of Serbia. We also considered the potential of the artificial intelligence development ecosystem within our country. With our participation, we had the opportunity to hear about the innovations of companies that have already implemented solutions based on artificial intelligence. The latest technological revolutions shaping the future are presented.

At the end of the conference, participants were offered a B2B interactive session with the exhibitors. This interaction created space for a deeper understanding of the applications of artificial intelligence in different sectors. This conference is a valuable opportunity to gain insights, share knowledge and build partnerships. Our presence not only contributed to the strengthening of the network of experts, but also opened new doors for innovation in the digital transformation process. Conversations about the potential of artificial intelligence not only inspired, but also laid the foundations for future projects and initiatives of the Center for Digital Transformation of the Verlab Institute.

We would like to thank the organizers of the AI:CONNECT conference for the impeccable organization, and our colleagues and partners for the inspiring conversations. We continue our commitment to the innovations that will shape the future of digital transformation.

Centar za Digitalnu Transformaciju Verlab Instituta učestvova je na nedavnoj konferenciji AI:CONNECT na Univerzitetu u Kragujevcu. 

U prijatnom okruženju konferencije, fokusirali smo se na istraživanje potencijala vještačke inteligencije u domenu ekonomskog rasta u Republici Srbiji. Razmatrali smo i potencijale ekosistema razvoja vještačke inteligencije unutar naše zemlje. Svojim sudjelovanjem, imali smo priliku čuti o inovacijama kompanija koje su već implementirale rješenja zasnovana na vještačkoj inteligenciji. Predstavljene su najnovije tehnološke revolucije koje oblikuju budućnost. 

Za kraj konferencije, učesnicima je omogućena B2B interaktivna sesija sa izlagačima. Ova interakcija stvorila je prostor za dublje razumijevanje primjena vještačke inteligencije u različitim sektorima. Ova konferencija predstavlja dragocjenu priliku za sticanje uvida, razmjenu znanja i izgradnju partnerstava. Naša prisutnost nije samo doprinijela jačanju mreže stručnjaka, već je otvorila i nova vrata za inovacije u procesu digitalne transformacije. Razgovori o potencijalima vještačke inteligencije ne samo da su inspirisali, već su i postavili temelje za buduće projekte i inicijative Centra za Digitalnu Transformaciju Verlab Instituta. 

Zahvaljujemo se organizatorima AI:CONNECT konferencije na besprijekornoj organizaciji, a našim kolegama i partnerima na inspirativnim razgovorima. Nastavljamo s posvećenošću ka inovacijama koje će oblikovati budućnost digitalne transformacije.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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