This year, Verlab Institute participated in the organization of the fifth BH engineering week. The aim of the BH week is the international gathering of representatives of industry, production, new technologies and exporters, as well as the networking of companies. A unique opportunity for companies and CEO managers, innovators and creatives to present and expertly discuss the latest trends in innovation, technology, development in practice of new products that encourage economically sustainable development.
M.Sc. Amar Deumić, senior associate at the Verlab Institute, held a presentation in Tuzla on the topic: "Examples from practice for the new generation - hubs for bioengineering".
An integral part of the Conference are: presentations, forums, the fair-exhibition part and the selection of the best engineering product/project for 2022.
Implementation at the partner level is carried out in the programmatic and promotional segment through intensive cooperation with all levels of government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH Council of Ministers, entities, cantons, cities, Brčko District), universities, chambers of commerce, employers' associations, associations of engineering professions, professional and academic to the public, with the Executive Production of the NGO Radio Kameleon - Open Network of Human Rights and Democracy in partnership with DOO Colosseum Tuzla, Kultura Media Sarajevo, Association of Mechanical Engineers in BiH, IEEE - European Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Section in BH, BH Futures Foundation, Association employers of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Tuzla Cantonal Chamber of Commerce.
Sponsors: Government of Tuzla Canton, Government of Sarajevo Canton, commercial partners.
With the content and choice of topics, interesting lectures and presentations and the interaction of participants and representatives of the real sector, this professional and scientific event confirmed the topicality and connection of production, industry and urban development and engineering as the most important economic branches in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Verlab Institut ove godine je učestvovao u organizaciji pete BH sedmice inženjerstva. Cilj BH sedmice je međunarodno okupljanje predstavnika industrije, proizvodnje, novih tehnologija i izvoznika kao i umrežavanje kompanija. Jedinstvena prilika za kompanije i CEO menadžere, inovatore i kreativce da predstave ali i stručno diskutuju najnovije trendove u inovacijama, tehnologiji, razvoju u praksi novih proizvoda koji podstiču ekonomski održiv razvoj.
Mr.sci. Amar Deumić, viši stručni saradnik u Verlab Institutu je održao prezentaciju na temu: „Primjeri iz prakse za novu generaciju – habovi za bioinžinjering“.
Sastavni dio Konferencije su: prezentacije, forumi, sajamski- izložbeni dio i izbor najboljeg inženjerskog proizvoda/projekta za 2022. godinu.
Realizacija na partnerskom nivou provodi se u programskom i promotivnom segmentu intenzivnom saradnjom sa svim nivoima vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine ( Vijeće ministara BiH, entiteti, kantoni, gradovi, Distrikt Brčko ), univerzitetima, privrednim komorama, udruženjima poslodavaca, udruženjima inženjerskih struka, stručne i akademske javnosti, uz Izvršnu produkciju NVO Radio Kameleon- Otvorena mreža ljudskih prava i demokratije u partnerstvu sa DOO Colosseum Tuzla, Kultura Media Sarajevo, Udruženjem mašinskih inženjera u BiH, IEEE – evropskim udruženjem inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike - sekcija u BH, BH Futures Foundation, Udruženjem poslodavaca Federacije BiH, Privrednom/ Gospodarskom komorom Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Kantonalnom privrednom komorom Tuzla.
Pokrovitelji: Vlada Tuzlanskog kantona, Vlada Sarajevskog Kantona, komercijalni partneri.
Sadržajem i izborom tema, zanimljivim predavanjima i prezentacijama te interakcijom sudionika i predstavnika realnog sektora, ovim stručnim i naučnim događajem se potvrdila aktuelnost i povezanost proizvodnje, industrije i razvoja gradova i inženjerstva kao najvažnije privredne grane u Bosni i Hercegovini.