Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


Emina Mrđanović, senior professional associate, and Merima Smajlhodžić Deljo, professional associate, recently visited Zagreb as part of a study visit within the Its4Health project. During their stay, they visited the Ruđer Bošković Institute, the Department of Electronics, and the Magdalena Clinic, key members of the EDIH AI4Health project consortium. The collaboration between the Verlab Institute and these partners has opened up many opportunities for the development of innovative solutions that will enhance patient diagnostics and therapeutic care. The key to this collaboration is the valuable exchange of knowledge and experiences.

This study visit facilitated the exchange of the latest achievements in the field of AI4Health, where Verlab Institute's professional associates had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest research and technological innovations applied in diagnostics and healthcare. This interaction not only strengthened the expertise of individuals but also built a network of top experts and strengthened partnership ties in the field of health technologies, further enhancing the Verlab Institute's scientific research capacities.

The integration of digital technologies and artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the approach to diagnostics, patient monitoring, and health data management, offering significant benefits to the broader population through improved healthcare. Aware of the importance of such collaborations, the Verlab Institute continues with the vision of advancing health technologies and increasing the quality of healthcare. Their commitment to the integration of AI and digital technologies is not only visionary but also contributes concretely to creating space for innovations that will long-term transform the healthcare sector, contributing to the better life of the wider population.

Emina Mrđanović, viša stručna saradnica, i Merima Smajlhodžić Deljo, stručna saradnica, nedavno su boravile u Zagrebu kao dio studijske posjete u sklopu projekta Its4Health. Tokom njihovog boravka, posjetile su Institut Ruđer Bošković, Zavod za elektroniku i kliniku Magdalenu, ključne članove konzorcija projekta EDIH AI4Health. Saradnjom Verlab Instituta sa pomenutim partnerima otvorene su mnoge prilike za razvoj inovativnih rješanja koja će poboljšati dijagnostiku i terapeutsku njegu pacijenta. Ključ saradnje je dragocjena razmjena znanja i iskustava.

Ova studijska posjeta omogućila je razmjenu najnovijih dostignuća u području AI4Health, gdje su stručni saradnici Verlab Instituta imali priliku upoznati se s najnovijim istraživanjima i tehnološkim inovacijama koje se primjenjuju u dijagnostici i zdravstvenoj njezi. Ova interakcija nije samo jačala stručnost pojedinaca, već je također gradila mrežu vrhunskih stručnjaka i jačala partnerske veze u području zdravstvenih tehnologija, čime je Verlab Institut dodatno ojačao svoje naučnoistraživačke kapacitete.

Integracija digitalnih tehnologija i vještačke inteligencije ima potencijal da transformiše pristup dijagnostici, praćenju pacijenata i upravljanju zdravstvenim podacima, nudeći time značajne koristi za širu populaciju kroz unaprijeđenu zdravstvenu zaštitu.

Verlab Institut, svjestan važnosti ovakvih saradnji, nastavlja s vizijom unapređenja zdravstvenih tehnologija i povećanja kvalitete zdravstvene njege. Njihova predanost integraciji AI i digitalnih tehnologija nije samo vizionarska, već konkretno doprinosi stvaranju prostora za inovacije koje će dugoročno transformirati zdravstveni sektor, pridonoseći boljem životu šire populacije.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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