Lemana Spahić, a senior research associate at Verlab Institute, at the age of twenty-seven, has displayed curiosity and a love for scientific research since childhood. Her passion for acquiring new knowledge has led Lemana to earn a doctorate in the field of genetics and bioengineering, making her one of the youngest doctors of science in this field in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lemana was born and raised in Žepče, and currently resides and works in Kragujevac, Serbia, where she is engaged at the Research and Development Center for Bioengineering, known as BioIRC.
A natural perfectionist, Lemana completed all three study cycles with a perfect grade point average of 10. Thanks to her passion for knowledge, she has managed to acquire, preserve, and impart valuable knowledge in anatomy, physiology, genetics, and bioengineering.
She obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy by defending her doctoral dissertation titled "Application of Artificial Intelligence for the Classification of Fetal Disorders Using Ultrasound Images."
The entire doctoral dissertation is based on the KANET test devised by the eminent scientist and expert, a source of inspiration for scientists worldwide, academic professor Asim Kurjak. The KANET test is currently the gold standard for assessing the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, entirely based on observing fetal movements using 4D ultrasound. The KANET test has revolutionized the field of prenatal diagnostics, providing endless possibilities in the realm of prenatal interventions and prevention of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Lemana emphasizes her gratitude not only to Professor Asim Kurjak but also to professors Lejla Gurbeti Pokvić and Almir Badnjević, who serve as her role models and inspiration.
"The world of science is a very broad concept. It would be pretentious to say that my role models are scientists to whom we owe the greatest global discoveries, like Tesla, because the field of science I am involved in is quite narrow. Instead, I would prefer to focus on scientists in our immediate surroundings who have been and will remain my inspiration. These are precisely Professor Almir Badnjević, who was the first to recognize my desire and introduce me to the world of biomedical engineering. Besides him, my eternal inspiration is my mentor, Professor Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić, who, as I like to say, is not only an academic but also a life mentor from whom I have learned some of the most important lessons. Through her work and achievements, she has clearly shown to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world that it is indeed possible to be a female leader and, at the same time, a highly respected and prominent scientist in the field of engineering," explains Lemana.
Lemana's success has demonstrated that science knows no boundaries, and one should never confine oneself to the local and narrow community in science but strive for greater achievements because global development is the ultimate goal of science.
Lemana envisions her continued professional journey at Verlab Institute, with the desire to share her knowledge and experience primarily with her colleagues, and later with students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She encourages all young people to believe in themselves and their ideas, work diligently, and success will undoubtedly follow.